There are still some monarchies all over the world. However, not so many as there were in the distant past.
In a monarchy there is a sovereign such as a king, a queen, an emperor or an empress – in short – a monarch.
There was a time when monarchies were absolute. Nowadays, they are often limited by a constituiton, that is, the king or queen is the sovereign but the Parliament is responsible for the real government.
One of the most ancient and famous monarchies in the world is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The countries of the nited Kingdom are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (or Ulster).
Among the British people there is some cristicism about the empire, buteven this is part of a millenary tradition. Check your Reading
1- Marque a alternativa de acordo com o texto.
a) Ainda há muitas monarquias no mundo
b) Há diferenças entre monarquias e soberanos.
c) O monarca é um dos reis da monarquia.
d) Antigamente havia muito mais monarquias.
e) Uma imperatriz não pode ser monarca.
2- Segundo o texto, na maioria das monarquias modernas:
a) o rei reina, mas não governa.
b) O rei reina e governa.
c) O monarca é absoluto.
d) O monarca atribui o governo ao Parlamento.
e) A soberania é de um rei e de uma rainha
3- O texto informa que:
a) a republica da Irlanda faz parte do Reino Unido
b) O reino Unido é formado por quatro países.
c) A Grã-Bretanha faz parte da Inglaterra.
d) A Gália faz parte do Reino Unido.
e) O Reino Unido é a monarquia mais antiga no mundo.
4- De acordo com o texto, podemos deduzir que:
a) os britânicos criticam o império, sem poupar inclusive a tradição.
b) Apesar da tradição milenar, os britânicos são criticados por seu governo.
c) O sistema monárquico não conta com a aprovação total dos britânicos.
d) A crítica aos imperialistas britânicos faz parte da tradição.
e) Até a crítica do povo britânico é milenar.
5- As palavras even this, sublinhadas no texto referem-se:
a) ao povo britânico.
b) A milenar.
c) À tradição.
d) Ao império.
e) À crítica.
6- A expressão “in short” traduz-se por:
a) ou seja.
b) Em resumo.
c) Em princípio.
d) A propósito.
e) isto é.
Where were you yesteday?
Carol: Hi, Ana. where you yesterday? You weren't at home.
Ana: No, I wasn't. I was at the movies.
Tony: Alone?
Ana: No, Pedro was with me. We were together.
Tony: I see... and the movie, was it good?
Ana: Oh yes, it was. Terrific.
Carol: What was it about?
Ana: Hmmm. Try and guess.
Tony: Was it a love story?
Ana: no, it wasn't. It was about animals. You know me.
Carol: Those movies are always the same.
Ana: No, the animals in this movie were different. they were in a park on an island...
Tony: I know! Jurassic Park! A great movie, directed by Steven Spielberg. it's about a scientific experiment with dinosaurs. But they escape and the park never...
Carol: Stop it, Tony! I want to see that movie!
1- Carol quer saber onde Ana está agora ou onde estava ontem?
2- Ana responde que estava no cinema ou em casa?
3- tony fica curioso para saber se Ana estava sozinha no cinema. Encontre no diálogo a frase em que ele pergunta isso.
4- Ana diz que estava com quem?
5- A palavra movies tem dois sentidos diferentes: filmes e cinema. qualé o sentido de movies nas frases a seguir:
A) Ana was at the movies.
B) Those movies are always the same.
6- por que Carol não quer que Tony conte mais sobre o filme?
An interview with Steven Spielberg
Ana: Where were you born?
S S.: I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. in 1946.
Ana: When did you make your first movie?
S S.: Well, my father gave me a cine camera for my birthday when I was eight. I made a lot of short films when I was a kid.
Ana: When did you sign your first contract with Universal Studios?
S S.: I went to Universal Studios on a school bus when I was seventeen. That was my first visit, and there was no contract then... But four years later I was there again, this time to direct Joan Crawford in a short film for TV.
Ana: Why did you decide to be a director?
S S.: I had a lot of dreams when I was a boy. In my dreans I traveled to distant planets, I visited new worlds, I met strange creatures. Some of those creatures were sweet and innocent, others were terribly violent. I had a lot of adventures then. now i make movies to live those adventures again. It's good to share them with millions of other dreaners all over the world.
Ana: Mr. Spielberg, which of your movies do you prefer?
S S.: The next one, young lady, Always the next one.
1- Complete the answers:
A) Where was Steven Spielberg born? He was born in __________________.
B) When was he born? He was born in ________________________________.
2- O que o pai de Steven lhe deu como presente de aniversário?
3- Quantos anos Steven estava completando quando ganhou esse presente?
4- Que tipo de filmes ele fez quando criança?
5- Complete o quadro com What?, Where?, Who?, Why?,When?, How?, de acordo com os dados da entrevista.
__________ Steven Spielberg.
__________ A visit to film studios.
__________ To Universal Studios.
__________ Whwn he was seventeen.
__________ By bus. On a school bus.
__________ Because it was a school visit.
Did Dracula really exist?
Yes and no. Dracula is a books written by the Irish author, Bram (Abraham) Stoker (1847-1912) who told the story of an evil count from Transylvania (now part of Romania). The nobleman could turn into a vampire bat. He sucked people’s blood by biting them on their necks. His victims became his slaves.
Dracula was a figment of Stoker’s vivid imagination, but in the 1400s there was a cruel ruler os Transylvania know as Vlad the Impaler. He got this nickname because he had he had awful habits: he drove stakes through the bodies of his enemies and left them to die. No doubt Stoker had Vlad in mind when he wrote the book.
Check your reading
1. According to the text:
a) Bram Stoker invented the name Dracula.
b) Bram Stoker didn´t invented the name Dracula.
c) Dracula didn´t have slaves.
d) Dracula became a ruler in the 1400s.
e) Vlad could turn into a vampire.
2. The book written by Bram Stoker is:
a) Bram Stoker invented the name Dracula.
b) Bram Stoker didn´t invented the name Dracula.
c) Dracula didn´t have slaves.
d) Dracula became a ruler in the 1400s.
e) Vlad could turn into a vampire.
2. The book written by Bram Stoker is:
a) a poem c) a novel e) a fable
b) a fiction. d) an adventure
3. All the alternatives below are correct, except:
a) Dracula was probably inspired in Vlad the Impaler.
b) Vlad the Impaler really lived six hundred years ago.
c) Bram Stoker met Vlad the Impaler.
d) Bram Stoker was an Irish author.
e) Vlad the Impaler tortured his victims.
4. Mark the correct alternative
a) Bram Stocker died at the age of 65.
b) Vlad became a ruler in 1400.
c) Romania bought Trabsylvania.
d) Stoker gave a nickname to Vlad.
e) Vlad drove skates through the bodies of his enemies.
b) a fiction. d) an adventure
3. All the alternatives below are correct, except:
a) Dracula was probably inspired in Vlad the Impaler.
b) Vlad the Impaler really lived six hundred years ago.
c) Bram Stoker met Vlad the Impaler.
d) Bram Stoker was an Irish author.
e) Vlad the Impaler tortured his victims.
4. Mark the correct alternative
a) Bram Stocker died at the age of 65.
b) Vlad became a ruler in 1400.
c) Romania bought Trabsylvania.
d) Stoker gave a nickname to Vlad.
e) Vlad drove skates through the bodies of his enemies.
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