There are still some monarchies all over the world. However, not so many as there were in the distant past.
In a monarchy there is a sovereign such as a king, a queen, an emperor or an empress – in short – a monarch.
There was a time when monarchies were absolute. Nowadays, they are often limited by a constituiton, that is, the king or queen is the sovereign but the Parliament is responsible for the real government.
One of the most ancient and famous monarchies in the world is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The countries of the nited Kingdom are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (or Ulster).
Among the British people there is some cristicism about the empire, buteven this is part of a millenary tradition.
Check your Reading
1- Marque a alternativa de acordo com o texto.
a) Ainda há muitas monarquias no mundo
b) Há diferenças entre monarquias e soberanos.
c) O monarca é um dos reis da monarquia.
d) Antigamente havia muito mais monarquias.
e) Uma imperatriz não pode ser monarca.
2- Segundo o texto, na maioria das monarquias modernas:
a) o rei reina, mas não governa.
b) O rei reina e governa.
c) O monarca é absoluto.
d) O monarca atribui o governo ao Parlamento.
e) A soberania é de um rei e de uma rainha
3- O texto informa que:
a) a republica da Irlanda faz parte do Reino Unido
b) O reino Unido é formado por quatro países.
c) A Grã-Bretanha faz parte da Inglaterra.
d) A Gália faz parte do Reino Unido.
e) O Reino Unido é a monarquia mais antiga no mundo.
4- De acordo com o texto, podemos deduzir que:
a) os britânicos criticam o império, sem poupar inclusive a tradição.
b) Apesar da tradição milenar, os britânicos são criticados por seu governo.
c) O sistema monárquico não conta com a aprovação total dos britânicos.
d) A crítica aos imperialistas britânicos faz parte da tradição.
e) Até a crítica do povo britânico é milenar.
5- As palavras even this, sublinhadas no texto referem-se:
a) ao povo britânico.
b) A milenar.
c) À tradição.
d) Ao império.
e) À crítica.
6- A expressão “in short” traduz-se por:
a) ou seja.
b) Em resumo.
c) Em princípio.
d) A propósito.
e) isto é.
The age of dinosaurus
Millions of years ago the world was not as it is now. it was very different. In the Jurassic, the second period of the Mesozoic era, there was more land under water. The continents were all togeter and there was a different climate: It was warm and humid all the time. And there were dinosaurus everywhere.
The word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard". Dinosaurs were reptiles - animals like alligators, turtles, snakes, and lizards. But not all dinosaurs were also small ones, the size of a chicken.
They were on this planet for 150 million years. During all that time the Earth was theirs. it was the Age of Dinosaurs.
1- Classifique as expressões de tempo e de lugar dadas abaixo, escrevendo-as na coluna adequada:
When? Where?
everywhere - millions of years ago- now-
under water - during all that time - on this planet
2- Indique em que parágrafos há informações sobre:
A) características dos dinossauros;
B) características do período Jurássico;
C) período de existência e domínio da Terra pelos dinossauros.
3- Observe:
" Millions and millions of years ago the world ago the world was not as it is now"
Nessa frase, as significa como e é usado para fazer uma comparação. Qual?
I have a dream!
One day a woman named Rosa Parks was traveling home from work on a Montgomery bus, in Alabama. She was tired after her day's work. She sat down in one of the seats at the back of the bus that were for black people. Write people used the ones in front. But the bus was crowded that night and there weren't enought seats for everyone. When a white man got on the bus and coldn't find a seat the driver ordered Mrs. Parks to get up and give him hers.
Afterwards Mrs. Parks said she didn't know what made her do it. Usually she did as she was told. But that night she refused to give up her seat. The driver called a policeman. She was arrested and dragged off to prison.
When Dr. Martin Luther King heard about it he said, “We could all stop using the buses”. If the passengers did it the bus companies would have serious financial losses.
This was what he meant by “nonviolent direct action”. It was action that would express the people's strong feeling without attacking anyone. He got the idea from Gandhi, whose picture hung over his desk. He had always admired Gandhi.
It was a hard struggle, but at last the black, under the leadership of King, proved their point, based on the Constituition.
In one of his famous speeches, Luther King said: “I say to you today, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. “His dream was that of a contry where men would be truly equal. “I have a dream that my four little children one day will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character... Whith this faith we will be able to work together, to stand up for freedom together, to go to prison together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing we will be free one day.”
One day a woman named Rosa Parks was traveling home from work on a Montgomery bus, in Alabama. She was tired after her day's work. She sat down in one of the seats at the back of the bus that were for black people. Write people used the ones in front. But the bus was crowded that night and there weren't enought seats for everyone. When a white man got on the bus and coldn't find a seat the driver ordered Mrs. Parks to get up and give him hers.
Afterwards Mrs. Parks said she didn't know what made her do it. Usually she did as she was told. But that night she refused to give up her seat. The driver called a policeman. She was arrested and dragged off to prison.
When Dr. Martin Luther King heard about it he said, “We could all stop using the buses”. If the passengers did it the bus companies would have serious financial losses.
This was what he meant by “nonviolent direct action”. It was action that would express the people's strong feeling without attacking anyone. He got the idea from Gandhi, whose picture hung over his desk. He had always admired Gandhi.
It was a hard struggle, but at last the black, under the leadership of King, proved their point, based on the Constituition.
In one of his famous speeches, Luther King said: “I say to you today, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. “His dream was that of a contry where men would be truly equal. “I have a dream that my four little children one day will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character... Whith this faith we will be able to work together, to stand up for freedom together, to go to prison together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing we will be free one day.”
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